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Spirit of Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge

The Florida Guides Association and fishing clubs all over Florida-as well as individual anglers-are invited to participate in the FGA/FWC Spirit of Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge. The challenge is being promoted to encourage more anglers to participate in the Tarpon Genetic Recapture Study, an effort by state biologists to learn about the survival, growth and migrations of tarpon caught and released by anglers. It is a win-win situation with FWRI getting the samples and the anglers getting recognition for their tarpon catching skills.  DNA sampling of Tarpon has been conducted by FWRI since 2005.

When anglers catch a tarpon and collect a DNA sample for the study, they are contributing valuable information to a growing database. Biologist use the database to identify when a tarpon has been caught and sampled more than once. Biologist refer to these fish as recaptures. The database now includes more than 100 documented recaptures.

Tarpon anglers can receive a free tarpon DNA sampling kit and refills by calling 800-367-4461, emailing TarponGenetic@MyFWC.com, or visiting one of about 200 participating locations statewide where samples can be dropped off. A small swab from the tarpon’s skin is all that’s required to track an individual fish.

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