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Project Permit Mexico

The Bonefish and Tarpon Trust has teamed up with the Amigos of the Sian Ka’an along with a generous grant from Costa del Mar sunglasses and launched a full-scale permit research program on Ascension and Espiritu Santo Bays. After a handful of training missions down to many of the lodges in the area, BTT director Aaron Adams has succeeded in equipping many of the resident guides in the area with the hardware, knowledge, and enthusiasm for tagging each and every permit landed in the two Bays. This is a very exciting development for us at the Club, and we are elated to be a part in implementing the research. All 152 of the Club’s permit were tagged this season – we are off to a solid start.

In tandem with the tagging effort, we circled May 11-24 to host BTT board member and permit aficionado, Jon Ain, for an enlightening week of fishing and science on Ascension Bay. Jon is known in some circles as “the permit whisperer” and has over 300 permit on the fly to his credit – perhaps more than anyone alive today. Everyone was very much looking forward to meeting Jon and learning a thing or two about chasing permit on the fly.

In addition to tagging and data collection of permit, the plan was to enjoy Jon provide evening seminars educating us all on the facts and myths of permit, bonefish and tarpon throughout the Caribbean – as well as learn about the fascinating research being done by BTT to protect these marvelous species. Unfortunately, Jon fell ill and was unable to join us on the trip.  Nonetheless, we still had a fantastic group of anglers and enjoyed a solid week with 11 permit landed despite very marginal conditions. It was a rowdy bunch no doubt, and one of the most enthusiastic after hours groups of the season.  Another BTT tagging week is scheduled for May 24-31, 2013 at the Palometa Club. If you are interested in attending and would like more details please contact David Leake at permit@palometaclub.com.

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