Juvenile Tarpon Project Update

Measurements and Tagging Juvenile Tarpon

On Saturday November 10, 155 juvenile tarpon were netted and 25 were large enough to be P.I.T. tagged.  To date a total of 42 juvenile tarpon have been tagged and 223 have been fin clipped for genetics testing.

The biggest surprise on Saturday was by far Lemon Creek #1, previously only a single fish had been netted from that location and Saturday we captured 68 – all were large enough to take fin clips for genetic data.  There were no recaptures of those that were previously tagged, but there is a possibility of recaptures of previous fin clips, we won’t know until we hear back from FWC.  Here is a great video of some of the sampling put together by Dan Ferraris from CCA, who was on site volunteering.

Monthly sampling is scheduled and set to occur again in December.  Thank you to True Flies, The Orvis Company, Mick and Kathy Aslin, The Lemon Bay Conservancy, The Vanderbilt Family Foundation and Sanibel Fly Fishers for their generous support of this project.



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