"Silver Lining"; Tarpon, Giant Cruise Ships, and Proposed Dredging in the Key West Ship Channel

Every spring, large tarpon migrate from unknown winter haunts to the Florida Keys to take part in an annual spawning ritual, residing in the Keys for spring and summer months. It is this migration that spawned the catch-and-release recreational fishery for tarpon – a challenge that anglers from around the world travel to the Keys to engage. This fishery is now at the economic and cultural core of the Florida Keys.

Silver Lining from Jekyll Works on Vimeo.

Tarpon have been traveling these routes for many thousands of years, taking advantage of the bounty of habitats and prey contained in this string of islands off the southern tip of Florida. But as the habitats are altered for human uses, this grand annual migration is threatened. Bonefish & Tarpon Trust is working to identify the habitats most critical to tarpon, most essential to the recreational tarpon fishery, information necessary to keep the fishery healthy for the long term. There is trouble on the horizon.

A referendum will soon be put before the citizens of Key West that will ask them to approve a proposed dredging to expand the Key West ship channel to allow larger cruise ships to enter the port of Key West. Such a project is a threat to tarpon and to the fishery. Bonefish & Tarpon Trust has already delivered a letter to the Key West city commission in opposition of the dredging project. Many fishing guides, anglers, and others are working on the issue. Thanks to the work of Captain Will Benson, the short film Silver Lining explains the issue well. Please enjoy, make your thoughts known, and stay tuned for more.

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