Florida Anglers Recgonized for Collecting Tarpon DNA

Four Florida anglers were recently recognized for their tarpon DNA-collecting prowess during the annual Florida Guides Association meeting in Tampa.  Recipients of The 2012 Florida Guides Association/FWC “Spirit of Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge” awards were:

  • Grand Champion – John Mallory, of Merritt Island (975 DNA samples)
  • Gulf Coast Champion – Capt. Robert McCue, of Ellenton (216 samples)
  • Florida Keys Champion – Capt. Paul D’Antoni, of Key West (118 samples)
  • Atlantic Coast Champion – Capt. Carl Ball, of Fort Lauderdale (94 samples)

The four collected tarpon DNA samples as part of the ongoing Tarpon Genetic Recapture Study, a partnership between Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Mote Marine Laboratory, in conjunction with anglers statewide. The Study uses DNA fingerprinting techniques as a way to track individual tarpon through capture events so that fishery managers can assess and better understand tarpon stocks and movement patterns.

Through the program, which has been in place since 2005, volunteer tarpon anglers have submitted more than 16,500 of the nearly 18,000 samples inventoried in the study’s database. In 2012, anglers submitted 4,726 samples – exceeding the project’s annual goal of 4,000.



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