Palometa Club Tourney Benefits BTT

Our friends down at the Palometa Club in Punta Allen, Mexico recent hosted their first annual permit tournament, May 17-24 with a portion of the proceeds benefitting BTT and the Jon Ain Memorial Fund.  The event brought together 20 anglers from all over the country and as far as Argentina for a week long, laid back competition.  Many industry leaders helped sponsor the tournament including Texas based booking agent and fly shop, Tailwaters Fly Fishing Company, Country Pleasures Fly Shop in Calgary, Howler Bros Clothing, Hatch Outdoors, Temple Fork Outfitters, Umpqua, Costa del Mar, Yeti Coolers, Fishpond, SmartShield, and the Drake Magazine.  The group enjoyed good food and booze, shared a lot of laughs, good fishing, and beautiful weather.   The most memorable catch from the week was a true trophy permit estimated in the upper forty pound class by Dr. Ken Ferderer of Santa Monica, California!  The week was a tremendous success.

Most notably, we wanted to thank the Palometa Club and all of their sponsors for organizing such a wonderful event.   Proceeds from the tournament entry fees, calcutta, and donations benefited the Jon Ain Memorial Fund as well as the schoolchildren of Punta Allen.  Collectively, tournament efforts raised over $8000 for BTT and the school in Punta Allen!  If you are looking for the next fishing trip and interested in a totally unique (and successful) approach at permit fishing, consider the Palometa Club.  They have been instrumental in implementing our permit tagging efforts on the Yucatan and have been fine supporters of BTT.  Meantime, check out the full report from the tournament week by Clicking Here!

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