September 2014 Marks One-Year Anniversary of Bonefish and Tarpon as Catch and Release Species in Florida

Florida Keys Bonefish Ready for Release Florida Keys Bonefish Ready for Release

September 2014 marks the one-year anniversary that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) moved to make tarpon and bonefish exclusively catch and release species. The health of these fish and their habitats is critically important to sustaining the $465 million dollar per year Florida Keys flats fishery that we all love. The FWC, led by former Commission Chairman Ken Wright, acknowledged this and helped to score this huge win for Florida’s fisheries.

As a refresher, here is a list of the changes that went into effect on Sept. 1, 2013 in state and federal waters off Florida:

  • All harvest of tarpon will be eliminated, with the exception of the harvest or possession of a single tarpon when in pursuit of an International Game Fish Association record and in conjunction with a tarpon tag.
  • Tarpon tags will be limited to one per person, per year except for properly licensed charter boat captains and fishing guides.
  • Transport or shipment of tarpon becomes limited to one fish per person.
  • There will be a one-fish-per-vessel limit for tarpon.
  • Gear used for tarpon will be limited to hook-and-line only.
  • Multiple hooks in conjunction with live or dead natural bait cannot be used to target or harvest tarpon, or to target bonefish.
  • People will be allowed to temporarily possess a tarpon for photography, measurement of length and girth and scientific sampling, with the stipulation that tarpon more than 40 inches must remain in the water.
  • Tarpon regulations will extend into federal waters.
  • The bonefish tournament exemption permit is eliminated. This exemption allowed tournament anglers with the proper permit to temporarily possess bonefish for transport to a tournament scale.

In addition to following these regulations, it is paramount that all anglers practice safe fish handling techniques to ensuring the post-release survival of your catch. Click here for more information on catch and release best practices.

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