BTT Participates in Everglades National Park's Boater Education Program Workshop

An early morning boat ride through Everglades National Park. An early morning boat ride through Everglades National Park.

In early 2015, several stakeholders were invited to a workshop on the Everglades National Park’s Boater Education Program. Individuals representing anglers, paddlers, law enforcement, scientists and more met to develop the program’s objectives and content.

Keeping in mind that Florida Bay makes up about 1/3 of Everglades National Park, stakeholders remained cognizant that visitors using the Park’s marine resources span the range of beginner to life-long expert. The mandatory program therefore aims to educate users on the essentials of resource protection, boater safety and on-the-water etiquette. Apart from the basics, the online version of the program allows the student to delve deeper by offering learn more opportunities, providing supplemental information on topics such as proper fish handling and additional equipment recommended for outings.

The Boater Education Program is one aspect of the revised General Management Plan for Everglades National Park. BTT is happy to take on the challenge, building on our mission of ecosystem-based science and conservation. The information BTT provides to Everglades National Park is targeted to reduce habitat damage and therefore increase habitat and fishery quality.

This workshop is a direct response to years of public comment that called for the education of park users to reduce resource damage and BTT is honored to represent the middle ground at the center of science and angling.

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