BTT Supports IGFA's Efforts to Protect Florida's Forage Fish

FloridaForageFish_logo2Bonefish Tarpon Trust is joining our colleagues at the International Game Fish Association who are leading an effort that will help protect the future of Florida’s fisheries. It’s all about forage fish – in other words, the small fish that are eaten by tarpon, redfish, snook, barracuda and even bonefish that we care so much about. We want to make sure that our game fish have enough food to sustain them, and the habitats that support forage fish are protected. Our goal is to work with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to make sure that forage fisheries are managed so that the food needs of Florida’s larger saltwater fish are taken into consideration during stock assessments for the species that eat them, and when setting fishing rules for forage fish and their habitats. This is an effort that BTT supports, and we urge you to support as well.

Here is how you can help. Visit the Florida Forage Fish website and sign the Forage Fish Pledge:

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