BTT Visits Lucayan International School in Freeport, Grand Bahama

IMGP2656Education and outreach are essential components of a successful conservation program. Much of our outreach effort is aimed at fishing guides and anglers, but educating the next generation is key to the future of the bonefish fishery.

This past March, Justin Lewis, BTT’s Bahamas Initiative Coordinator, took advantage of an invitation from Joanna Wilkinson, a primary school teacher at the Lucayan International School in Freeport, Grand Bahama, to talk to her sixth grade class about Bahamian shallow water environments and bonefish. The 10- and 11-year-olds were enthralled as they learned about the importance of mangroves, seagrass flats, coral reefs, the organisms that live in these habitats, and how these habitats are interconnected. New to most of the students was the importance of the recreational bonefish fishery. By the end of Justin’s presentation, the students had a strong grasp of the importance of a healthy ecosystem to their lives in the Bahamas.

Justin’s presentation was timely because it gave the students ideas for their upcoming Marine Conservation Exhibition that was to focus on Water Management, Cruise Ship Pollution, Caribbean Coral Reefs, and Mangrove Depletion. Justin was pleased with the student presentations at the Exhibition a week later, and sees promise for the future of marine conservation in the Bahamas. Stay tuned for reports of Justin’s continuing work with students.

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