Algae Blooms Threaten Florida Waters

Last month, news outlets across Florida reported a 300 yard, potentially toxic, algae bloom had been discovered in canals near Indian River and St. Lucie Estuaries.  Now, Mark Perry, of Florida Oceanographic Society, indicates the potentially toxic bloom has almost doubled in size.

In 2013, a toxic bloom in our estuaries led to beach closures, illnesses and fishing restrictions costing our local economies millions.  We need to put a stop to toxic algae blooms that wreak havoc on our health and economy.  And we can.

Last November, a constitutional amendment was passed requiring our government to fund land deals that will save our water supply.  We have a binding contract with US Sugar Corp to buy land to store and clean polluted waters, ultimately saving our drinking water and curtailing toxic blooms.  But, the legislature and Gov. Scott need to use Amendment 1 funds now, or the contract will expire.

Click here for more information and to sign the petition to make sure that Florida legislators keep up their end of the deal they made with Floridians in 2010.

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