Bahamas Announces New Marine National Parks

We are pleased to share good news from the Bahamas. The Minister of the Environment, Kenred Dorsett, recently announced the creation of numerous new marine parks in the Bahamas. Among the new designations are parks on Grand Bahama and Abaco that have been the focus of efforts by BTT collaborators Bahamas National Trust, Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association, Friends of the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, and many guides and lodges. With a focus on protecting the habitats required by bonefish for feeding, spawning, and the juvenile life stage, these new parks will be important to the long term health of the bonefish fishery on these islands. The parks that will protect bonefish habitats on Grand Bahama: The Gap National Park (the north shore); East Grand Bahama National Park. The parks that will protect bonefish habitats on Abaco: The Marls of Abaco National Park; Cross Harbour National Park; East Abaco Creeks National Park.  Having the parks declared is an important first step. The next step is to designate rules and regulations for these parks.

We are now working to gather information on bonefish movements and habitat use on other islands to inform future protections for important bonefish habitats.

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