February Bonefish Recapture in Andros

Photo: Flip McCririck Fishing with Andros South - Deneki Outdoors, Guide Charlie Sweetling Photo: Flip McCririck

In early February, BTT learned of a bonefish that was recaptured in South Andros, Bahamas. On February 11, 2016, our friend and snowsports photographer, Flip McCririck, was fishing near the southern end of South Andros when he caught a 16 inch bonefish with the BTT tag number BAA0738. After checking our records we found that this particular fish was originally tagged about 25 miles north of the recapture location in January 2015 as part of a spawning aggregation that BTT scientists were studying. At the time of the original capture, the fish was measured at 15 inches. So, in the year since, this particular fish only grew about one inch and traveled a relatively short distance. Based on our research, it is likely that this particular bonefish calls the area around the southern end of South Andros home.

BTT would like to thank Bair’s Lodge for supporting the tagging and spawning research. We would also like to thank Flip for snapping a few photos and reporting the tag and fish data back to us. It is critically important to our research that all recaptured fish with tags be reported.  The goal of this program is to identify bonefish home ranges and spawning locations so they can be protected, and to determine from how far away the bonefish migrate to a particular spawning location so we can protect those routes.

If you come across a tagged bonefish or permit on your travels, please record the tag number and any other valuable data that you can (length, location, date, etc.). To report your recaptured fish, visit www.btt.org.

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