Tarpon Acoustic Tagged in Charlotte Harbor

After a tough morning of fishing, Ryan Hodges, guided by Capt. Austin Lowder, landed a 50 pound tarpon in Charlotte Harbor that is now carrying a BTT acoustic tag. Acoustic tags are implanted via a small incision in the abdominal cavity, which is closed with a stitch, and completely heals in about two weeks. This tag will transmit for five years to numerous receivers strategically placed throughout the Harbor and in other locations in the coastal United States.  One benefit of acoustic tagging is the large network of organizations using the same equipment – their receivers detect BTT’s fish and BTT’s receivers detect their fish.  Because of this, we’ll be able to get a good idea of local and regional movements from this and other tarpon we tag.  Special thanks to Clarke Ohrstrom for his generous donation to sponsor the tag.  Clarke had the pleasure of being ‘on deck’ on the skiff as his fishing buddy landed the tarpon.  Clarke will be notified of the movements by his specific tarpon as data are downloaded from the underwater receivers every few months over the next 5 years.

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