East End Lodge Bonefish Research Trip

BTT’s success in the Bahamas over the years is due to the hard work of the staff and collaborators, but much of this success would not be possible without the support of lodges and guides around the islands. Bonefishing operations and guides are the backbone of the fishery, and many have been kind enough to donate lodging, time, and overall support to the multiple research projects BTT and our collaborators have been involved in.

Bahamas Initiative Manager, Justin Lewis, recently visited East End Lodge on Grand Bahama Island to speak with anglers and the guides there, as well as to tag and collect genetic samples from bonefish. Fishing with lodge owner Rob Neher, guide Geno Thomas, and BTT board member Luis Menocal, Justin was able to tag and collect a substantial amount of genetic samples from bonefish that were caught and released. 

We would like to thank again the guides and staff of East End Lodge for their continued support of BTT research efforts in East Grand Bahama, and look forward to working with them more in the future.

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