Tarpon acoustic tagging continues in South Carolina

BTT scientist JoEllen Wilson and collaborating scientist Lucas Griffin placed BTT acoustic tags in South Carolina tarpon for the first time this week as part of the Tarpon Acoustic Tagging Program generously sponsored by Maverick Boat Group.  Both fish, caught near Georgetown, weighed around 55 pounds.  We previously thought tarpon were moving up the coast in the fall to feed in South Carolina following the summer spawning season in Florida.  However, South Carolina guides are reporting earlier sightings of large tarpon that may suggest they have their own summer spawning season.  Tracking movements of these tarpon over the next few years will give us a better understanding of the geographical range of spawning aggregations and if tarpon on the east coast of the United States follow a particular seasonal migration pattern. 

Guides are an integral part of BTT’s tagging success and this trip was no different.  We would especially like to thank Capt. Newman Weaver and Capt. Jordan Pate for organizing and executing this tagging trip.  Also thanks to Capt. J.R. Waits and Capt. Steve Roff for your support of our tagging efforts. Stay tuned as BTT continues to tag tarpon throughout the Southeastern United States and we learn more information on what these fascinating fish are up to.

To learn more about the tagging program, click here.

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