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Tagged tarpon detected!

Exciting news from BTT’s Acoustic Tagging Project! A tarpon that was tagged by team Hell’s Bay during the Cabin Bluff “Tarpon Cup” off the beaches of Woodbine, Georgia on August 20th, 2016, was detected for the first time by an acoustic receiver off the beaches of Palm Beach Shores October 4-7, 2016 . Weighing in at approximately 60 pounds, this particular fish traveled over 300 miles in less than two months!

tarpon taggingDr. Aaron Adams, Director of Science & Conservation at BTT said, “So far, the tarpon tracking study is revealing two primary patterns: some fish are making seasonal migrations, like this fish, while other tarpon are sticking in a small area. Many of the tarpon we are tagging are in the 60 pound range – a size for which we have very little data. Now that we’ve tracked this tarpon migrating south from Georgia to Florida, we’ll keep an eye out for it next year – will it return to Georgia, stay in Florida, go to the Gulf of Mexico? That is one of the most exciting aspects of this tarpon tracking study – the tags will last five to seven years, so we will learn a lot about tarpon behavior that we’ve never been able to learn before.”

To learn more about the project, click here.

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