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Progress in the effort to restore the Everglades!

It’s a challenging time in Florida’s ongoing water crisis, but a newly introduced Florida Senate bill is a positive step in the efforts to restore the Everglades. In 2016, billions of gallons of nutrient-rich water were dumped out of Lake Okeechobee into the surrounding estuaries, leading to catastrophic algae blooms, killing marine life and endangering people and animals alike. Those challenges strengthened the movement to store, clean, and restore a more natural flow to the water coming out of Lake Okeechobee. Thousands of people have signed petitions and contacted their government representatives, and we need everyone to act NOW! 

Senator Rob Bradley recently introduced SB-10, a bill intended to reduce harmful discharges into Lake Okeechobee and increase water storage to the south. Please contact your government representatives today asking them to support this bill. It’s an important step forward in the effort to restore the Everglades and reduce harmful discharges. 

Click here to quickly send a message to your government representatives today!  It will take less than a minute of your time and makes a world of difference. 

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