Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Is Hiring a Sanctuary Research Coordinator

An important partner in BTT’s work in the Florida Keys is the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is charged with, among other things, making sure the habitats that support our flats fishery remain healthy. To do this, they need to conduct their own science, collaborate with others conducting science, and figure out how best to apply the science to management strategy. The FKNMS has an important job opening. We are helping them to spread the word about this opening because this is such an important position. A brief description of the responsibilities for the position are below, as are links on how to apply. Any questions must be addressed to them.

Sanctuary Research Coordinator
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

As a Sanctuary Research Coordinator, you will perform the following duties:

– Formulate the development, implementation, facilitation, and coordination of monitoring and research projects and activities designed to meet the research goals of the sanctuary including submitting and executing annual operating plans.
– Collaborate with federal and state agencies, non-government organizations, and the private sector to meet the characterization, monitoring and research goals of the sanctuary.
– Communicate scientific results to a variety of audiences by working with sanctuary staff to ensure the public is informed about research/monitoring efforts and findings.

Job Announcement (MAP): NOS-ONMS-2018-0001

​​Job Announcement (DE): NOS-ONMS-2018-0002

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