Sarah Cart Joins Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Board of Directors

Sarah Cart, a freelance writer based in Key Largo, has joined the board of Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, a non-profit science-based organization dedicated to conserving and restoring bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries and habitats through research, stewardship, education and advocacy.

A native of the Hudson Valley, Cart is a graduate of Williams College, where she majored in English. After a brief stint in Tulsa, OK, Cart and her husband Ben settled in Youngstown, OH. There Cart began her career as a freelance writer, including a decade writing feature stories for The Vindicator, Youngstown’s daily paper.

“Living in the Rust Belt was challenging; the local river had been so polluted that it was practically lifeless,” said Cart. “In Ohio, I learned I have a visceral need to be on or near healthy water and, as a result, through the years I’ve agreed to all sorts of fishing adventures just get on a boat or wade in a stream. The journalist in me believes deeply in the power of living water, and the importance of research-based advocacy and education. I am honored to be on the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Board of Directors.”

While Sarah and her husband raised their four sons in Youngstown, all of whom enjoy fly-fishing and upland game hunting, she served on the Junior League board, women’s board of the local hospital, and as a Montessori trustee, church vestry. She also learned how to fly-fish on frequent trips back to northeastern Pennsylvania.

Residents of Ocean Reef for a decade, the Carts now split their time between Key Largo Anglers Club and the Blooming Grove Hunting & Fishing Club in Hawley, PA. A past member of The Woman Flyfishers, Cart is on the board of Ocean Reef’s Bonefish Bonnies, writes for the local paper and is part of the team that drafts, edits and produces the catalog for Ocean Reef Community’s annual auction.

“We are delighted to welcome Sarah to our board,” said BTT President Jim McDuffie. “Her passion for our mission and experience as a non-profit volunteer will help us achieve our ambitious vision for the bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries.”  


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