8 Tarpon Tagged in 2 Days in Sanibel and Charlotte Harbor

This weekend marked the third year of tarpon acoustic tagging, generously sponsored by Maverick Boat Group, in Charlotte Harbor and the first year expanding south to Sanibel. With the help of our gracious network of guides and anglers, BTT was able to tag 8 tarpon ranging from 60 to 105 pounds in two days. BTT currently has 5 acoustic receivers in the area complemented by many more from other agencies including Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Mote Marine Laboratory. Each tag will continue to transmit for 5 years and allow us to track the movement of these tarpon throughout the Gulf of Mexico, the Florida Keys and the Atlantic Coast.

Our sincerest thanks to the guides who provided fish for us to tag, including Capt. Ryan Clase (2 fish), Capt. Matt Johnson, Capt. Whitney Jones, Capt. Bryant Cole, and Capt. Chris Slattery with a whopping three tarpon in one day. We’d also like to thank Wyler Gins (Florida Fishing Products), Joe King and Dean Wilson for help with transporting the team.

JoEllen Wilson from BTT will be tagging again this season in Charlotte Harbor. Please email her if you are interested in participating.

The tagging crew will be headed up to Tampa Bay this week followed by Apalachicola Bay, Cabin Bluff Lodge, Georgia and Georgetown, SC. Please contact us if you are willing to help in any of these regions.

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