BTT Restores Mangrove Creek on Grand Bahama Island

BTT’s Bahamas Initiative is a nationwide collaborative effort to identify and conserve bonefish habitats and educate the public about the importance of the flats environment.

Our conservation efforts expanded this year to include a mangrove creek restoration component, which seeks to reconnect fragmented mangrove creek systems and restore both tidal flow and fish passage. By restoring these fragmented systems, we will provide access to more healthy habitat  for bonefish and other flats-oriented species.

Mangrove creek systems throughout The Bahamas have been impacted by past development, especially roads, reducing healthy habitat for bonefish. Collaborating with Bahamas National Trust and the local community in East Grand Bahama, BTT focused our initial efforts on restoring August Creek, which has been blocked since the 1950s by an old logging road. We designed a plan to reopen the creek and hired a local contractor to cut three strategic passes through the road. Almost immediately after the passes were completed several species of fish, including bonefish, began utilizing the newly available habitat. With the first successful restoration project complete, we are planning to expand to other creeks in need of restoration and will begin work on them as soon as they are approved and private funding is secured.  Photos: BTT


                                                                                                       Before restoration


                                                                                                       After restoration


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