Year: 2019

In our first post, we overviewed the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s proposed new management plan and what is at stake. This management plan will influence access and activities in the Florida Keys for the next 10-20 years. The second post described the marine zones proposed by the Sanctuary. The third post outlined the additional […]

Photo: Ian Wilson In our first post in this series, we overviewed the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s proposed new management plan and what is at stake. This management plan will influence access and activities in the Florida Keys for the next 10-20 years. Our second post described the marine zones proposed by the Sanctuary […]

Photo: Ian Wilson In our last post, we introduced the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary draft management plan. This management plan will influence access and activities in the Florida Keys waters for the next 10-20 years. Over the last decade, BTT has conducted multiple studies to best inform Sanctuary regulations to ensure that bonefish, permit, […]

Photo: Ian Wilson In August, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary released a draft of their new management plan. If you fish the flats in the keys, this management plan should be on your radar. The Sanctuary is one of five management agencies charged with protecting the Florida Keys fish, wildlife, and the habitats that […]

BTT joined with other leading conservation organizations and industry leaders in support of Atlantic menhaden, an important forage fish for tarpon. Click HERE to read the letter submitted by the American Sportfishing Association to Wilbur Ross, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Photo: TRCP

In a previous post we announced the development of BTT’s strategic plan for Belize and Mexico, which is comprised of three components: science, education and conservation. The science component (tagging and habitat mapping) will generate information. The education component will be used to inform diverse sectors (flats fishing communities, education, management and conservation) through materials […]

The recent and ongoing attention to some of the greatest threats to Florida’s coastal fisheries—from the Bluegreen Algae Task Force to Everglades Restoration—are great steps in the right direction. But it’s important to realize that the algae blooms—from bluegreen algae to red tide—and seagrass die-offs are symptoms of Florida’s much larger problem of too many […]

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust recommends significant modifications to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s proposed management plan (A Restoration Blueprint, Preferred Alternative 3) in order to: (1) assure better conservation of important shallow water habitats for bonefish, permit, and tarpon; and (2) eliminate unnecessary and unwarranted prohibitions on traditional flats angling in the Keys. We […]

When you dine at Bonefish Grill during the week of Giving Tuesday (12/3 – 12/9), you can round up your check to support Bonefish & Tarpon Trust. Bonefish Grill will match all donations up to $10,000, so get hooked on new holiday dishes at Bonefish Grill, like Risotto Del Mar—sautéed shrimp, bay scallops, tomatoes and red onions over […]

This article appears in the current issue of the Bonefish & Tarpon Journal. (Photo: Dr. Jiangang Luo) Ross Boucek, Ph.D. Florida Keys Initiative Manager, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Jacob Brownscombe, Ph.D Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University Research Associate, Carleton University Benjamin M. Binder Graduate Research Assistant, Marine Ecology & Acoustics Laboratory, Florida International University   […]

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