North Carolina Passes Tarpon Catch-and-Release Amendment

Photo: Silver Kings

The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission passed on February 20 a proposed amendment that will prohibit possession of tarpon and make it illegal to gaff, spear, or puncture tarpon by any method other than hook and line. BTT supported the amendment throughout the process and applauds the NC Marine Fisheries Commission for taking this important step to improve the state’s management of the tarpon fishery, which will strengthen tarpon conservation at local and regional scales.                                                                            

“Protecting this magnificent fish while it spends time in our North Carolina waters is a great move by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries Commission Board,” said North Carolina guide Capt. Jot Owens. “Thank you to everyone who supported this amendment and a special thanks to the Commission board members who voted in favor of this ruling.”


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