
7th International Science Symposium and Flats Expo Postponed 

Photo: Marc Montocchio

In the interest of public health and the safety of attendees, participants, and staff, the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust 7th International Science Symposium and Flats Expo, held at the Bonaventure Resort & Spa in Weston, Florida, has been postponed until November 12-13, 2021.

“Our Symposium is widely known for bringing a wide range of stakeholders together who share an interest in conserving the flats fishery,” said BTT President and CEO Jim McDuffie. “The best way for us to continue that tradition is to reschedule the event for a time when we can safely gather again.”

The Symposium provides internationally recognized marine scientists the opportunity to share their latest research with a wide range of stakeholders, from resource managers and educators to fishing guides and anglers. The two-day, triennial event is also a celebration of our shared passion for the flats fishery and features special panels, presentations, and social activities.

The theme for the 2021 Symposium will be Conservation Connections. Conservation connections occur in many ways: research documenting the connections among bonefish, tarpon, and permit populations around the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and southeastern US; education as a tool to share scientific findings with guides, anglers, and resource managers; scientific findings being applied directly to conservation and management; connecting scientists with guides and anglers through research partnerships; information sharing among scientists, guides, anglers, and resource managers.

In the three years since the last Symposium, a number of significant discoveries have been made while other research projects continue to unfold, revealing new aspects of conservation connections. The results of this groundbreaking research will be shared during the Science Sessions, which will also focus on how the science is being applied to conservation, ensuring a healthy future for the flats fishery. New for this Symposium will be regional conservation discussions.

Attendees will enjoy educational and inspiring Expert Panel discussions on flats fishing and destination travel, casting demonstrations, an introduction to BTT’s new Education Program, the always entertaining Film Night, and the Saltwater Flats Expo, featuring the latest fishing tackle, gear, and skiffs from many of the sport’s leading companies. The Symposium will also include a special banquet honoring those who have contributed to flats fishery conservation.

For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact BTT Director of Development Mark Rehbein at: mark@bonefishtarpontrust.org.

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