BTT Welcomes First Texan Youth Ambassador

Chase Burroughs

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust is pleased to welcome Chase Burroughs to the BTT Youth Ambassador Program. BTT’s first Youth Ambassador from Texas, Chase Burroughs lives in Houston, where he was introduced to fishing by his parents at a young age. He regularly fishes in his “backyard” of Galveston Bay and has also taken trips to fly-fish in Louisiana, Mexico, and Belize. His favorite species are redfish, bonefish, and speckled trout, though he says he’s “pretty sure that tarpon will make this list as soon as I have the chance to fish for and catch one.” A rising high school junior, his favorite subject is science, and he’s also an Eagle Scout as well as a running back on his school’s football team. Chase is an avid Dallas Cowboys fan and enjoys bowhunting, weightlifting and bowling in addition to fishing.

“My experiences fishing and volunteering with the Galveston Bay Foundation have really opened my eyes to the need to protect fisheries and coastal environments,” says Chase. “Over the last few years while fishing in Mexico and Belize and even closer to home in my own local Galveston Bay, I noticed the sad amounts of trash washed up in the water, in the wetlands and on the beaches. I’ve learned how the trash is contaminating the natural habitats for birds, fish, and other species that live together in these ecosystems.”

Chase went on to tell us that, “As anglers, we need to do our best to protect our fisheries by promoting conservation of our natural resources, so I have made it a goal for myself to do my part in trying to clean up these environments, and to encourage others to understand the need and join me in doing what we can to take care of the earth.”

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