Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

BTT scientist JoEllen Wilson and collaborating scientist Lucas Griffin placed BTT acoustic tags in South Carolina tarpon for the first time this week as part of the Tarpon Acoustic Tagging Program generously sponsored by Maverick Boat Group. Both fish, caught near Georgetown, weighed around 55 pounds. We previously thought tarpon were moving up the coast […]

Glen Raven, Inc., maker of Sunbrella® fabrics, the leading manufacturer of performance fabrics servicing the marine industry, and a longtime Bonefish & Tarpon Trust sponsor, has committed to a partnership supporting BTT’s Education Initiatives. BTT is a non-profit conservation organization working to conserve and restore bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries and habitats through research, stewardship, […]

In July and August, South Florida anglers came together in an effort to collect genetic information on local bonefish. The two-month long Keys Fin Clip Challenge gave participants an opportunity to win fantastic prizes from sponsors Nautilus Reels, Cortland Line, Costa Del Mar and Carbon Marine and was an effort to promote local science. A bonefish […]

BTT and University of Massachusetts Amherst concluded a successful research trip collecting non-lethal blood samples from bonefish in Miami’s backyard, beautiful Biscayne Bay. A total of 25 blood samples were collected from Miami to North Key Largo in a mere five days thanks to the expertise of Captains Carl Ball, Martin Carranza, and Mo […]

Since 2008, The Bahamas has been a participant in The Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI), which is working to protect 20% of the Bahamian marine environment. The goals of the CCI include identifying and facilitating the designation of protected areas, garnering strong political support to enforce declarations, and assembling a funding mechanism to ensure continual preservation […]

The Bahamas is known as one of top destinations in the world to target bonefish, with Andros – the largest of the Bahamian islands – being the most famous of them all for bonefishing. BTT has done extensive work studying bonefish and their habitats in South Andros and Mangrove Cay, and recently decided it was […]

The 3rd Annual Hell’s Bay Tarpon Cup Tournament at Cabin Bluff in Woodbine, Georgia, has come to a close and was a major success for BTT tarpon research! During the course of this event, anglers targeted rolling and bait-busting tarpon around captivating estuaries, rivers, and beaches. With the support of guides and anglers (particularly Captain Danny […]

Angler fights a bonefish off Blackadore Caye. Photo by Kevin Barker. Blackadore Caye in Belize is under serious threat from development. Please read BTT’s statement below and write the Belize Department of the Environment directly at to voice your opinion. Please write before August 31, as the National Environmental Appraisal Committee meets on August […]

Photo credit Honson Lau Photo credit Rick DePaiva Coral Gables, FL (August 25, 2016) — Maverick Boat Group, builders of the Maverick brand of flats skiffs, announced today its sponsorship of a major new research program by Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, which seeks to unlock the mysteries of tarpon movement and habitat use, and help […]

BTT’s success in the Bahamas over the years is due to the hard work of the staff and collaborators, but much of this success would not be possible without the support of lodges and guides around the islands. Bonefishing operations and guides are the backbone of the fishery, and many have been kind enough to […]

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