Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

It’s been an interesting day in Florida’s water news. Congressman Patrick Murphy announced today that the Army Corps of Engineers has responded favorably to his request to expedite water storage and treatment planning of the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). Also today, Murphy, who is running for Marco Rubio’s Senate seat, dropped a bottle of toxic algae off at […]

by Aaron Adams A friend of mine once said, “You’d better be OK being alone with your thoughts for long periods of time if you are going to fly fish for permit.” It’s painfully true. Many (if not most) days of fly fishing for permit end with no fish caught. If you’re lucky, you get some […]

There are still a few open spots for the 3rd annual Hell’s Bay Cabin Bluff Tarpon Cup, taking places August 18-21 in Woodbine, GA. This two day catch-and-release tournament will raise money to benefit BTT’s tarpon acoustic tagging program. There will also be an opportunity to participate in the acoustic tagging program, as Dr. Aaron […]

Gillnetting is one of the most destructive fishing practices in existence. Active gillnets are indiscriminate, resulting in significant lethal bycatch. Ghost nets (nets that have been abandoned) float in the ocean and continue their destruction, snaring and killing fish that come into contact with them. One of the great challenges with gillnets in Belize (and elsewhere) […]

We all waited with bated breath to hear what Rena Glinton, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources of the Bahamas would announce at her July 13th press conference at ICAST in Orlando. It’s been a crazy year with much public comment and chatter and many anglers pledging never to return to the Bahamas if […]

BTT began to acoustically tag tarpon this past May in an effort to expand on knowledge of tarpon habitat use and movement at different life stages. We just received report of the first tarpon detection from BTT’s acoustic tarpon tagging program, and it has provided fascinating new insight on tarpon movement. Helios is an approximately […]

BTT is coming to Orlando next week! Visit our booth at ICAST/IFTD (621), come hang out at our happy hour with Nautilus Reels (457) and Sweetwater Brewery, or join us at a local bar for a Sweetwater tap takeover, with proceeds benefitting BTT’s Fix Our Water Campaign! July 12th 9am-1pm ICAST on the Water (Big […]

The end of the Tarpon Population Genetics program is in sight. Sorry to say for those who were using the program as an excuse to go fishing in far-away places – field sampling is complete as of July 1st. Now it’s all about analysis. We will have a report by the end of the year, which will provide […]

Golden tarpon caught June 2016, Destin, FL by angler Will Chapman, guided by Pat Dineen. This tarpon season we’ve received numerous reports and photos of a ‘golden tarpon’, a tarpon that appears to lack the darker pigments of its brethren. It was reported at Duck Key on April 27, Seven Mile April 28, Loggerhead Key […]

After a tough morning of fishing, Ryan Hodges, guided by Capt. Austin Lowder, landed a 50 pound tarpon in Charlotte Harbor that is now carrying a BTT acoustic tag. Acoustic tags are implanted via a small incision in the abdominal cavity, which is closed with a stitch, and completely heals in about two weeks. This […]

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