Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

(From L – R) Craig “Bubba” Janssen, BRL Guide Dirk Burgard, Chuck “Bingo” Hemingway, and BTT’s JoEllen Wilson In early April, Belize River Lodge hosted its 5th and final Tagging Challenge Week where anglers compete in a week-long competition to tag permit, fin clip bonefish and collect scales from tarpon. Individuals receive awards for sampling […]

Original release posted on Sands shift and when they do, sometimes, buoys must be moved and boundaries changed. That’s what happened recently in Boca Grande Pass. Recent changes to the buoys marking Boca Grande Pass will affect tarpon anglers and others fishing in the Pass during the months of April, May and June. Earlier […]

The Fly Shop of Miami will host a “Fix Our Water” presentation by Bonefish and Tarpon Trust (BTT) on Florida’s water management practices and water quality issues. The presentation will feature Dr. Aaron Adams, BTT’s Director of Science and Conservation. This presentation will be a great opportunity to meet Dr. Adams and other BTT staff, […]

Photo – Facebook group “Take Back Our Water” The mismanagement of Florida’s freshwater has been ongoing for many years. The recipient of the bad side of this mismanagement has long been Florida’s coastal waters. In South Florida, Lake Okeechobee is being emptied into the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers to the tune of billions of […]

The Conservation Captain for March 2016 is Capt. Dave Denkert out of Islamorada, Florida. Captain Dave has been involved in a number of BTT research projects throughout the years including the Everglades National Park mapping project, bonefish tagging, bonefish genetics sampling and our recent logbook program. Click here for more info on about Capt. Dave […]

Originally posted on By Monte Burke On a clement evening in Manhattan, at one of those uptown clubs that prefers to remain unnamed (the old-money antithesis of a certain current presidential candidate), a crowd of 150-plus conservation-minded anglers gathered for the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust’s fifth annual New York dinner and fundraising event. It […]

We are very excited to let you all know that, in the past few days, we were able implant the first acoustic tags into a few Lower Keys permit as part of Costa’s Project Permit! These fish are now out there, swimming freely amongst our array of acoustic receivers, providing critical data. And we’re not […]

Recently, BTT’s Dr. Aaron Adams was featured in an great interview on by our friend Monte Burke. In the interview, Dr. Adams discusses current threats facing bonefish, tarpon, and permit, the current state of the Keys bonefish population and their relation to Cuba, and what it’s like to study all three species. Click here […]

There has been concern that the ongoing discharges from the Caloosahatchee River have caused the red tide that is causing fish kills in southwest Florida. The best available scientific information indicates that this is not the case. FWC has been tracking the bloom for some time, and the existence of the bloom on portions of […]

As part of BTT’s ongoing efforts to identify habitats that are important to the flats fishery for bonefish, tarpon, and permit, in 2012 we initiated a tagging program for juvenile tarpon in conjunction with guides in Campeche, Mexico. The mangrove creeks of Campeche are fantastic habitat for juvenile tarpon, and the region is full of […]

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