Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

Photo: Pat Ford We are pleased to announce that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted unanimously at their meeting on June 25, in Sarasota, to move forward with new regulations for barracuda. This vote moves the process forward to a final vote on the new regulations at the next Commission meeting on September […]

Hon. V. Alfred Gray Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Dear Mr. Gray: I write to you to provide comments on the proposed “FISHERIES RESOURCES (JURISDICTION AND CONSERVATION) (FLATS FISHING) REGULATIONS, 2015” dated June 17, 2015. I write to you as Director of Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, an international, non-profit, membership-based, conservation organization based […]

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust announces a search for an Executive Director. The Executive Director will possess the skills to continue developing and leading the organization’s strategic direction and to greatly enhance BTT’s fund raising resources. The Executive Director should be skilled in leading an organization that relies upon its volunteer leaders and science-based communication strategies […]

Click to enlarge the map Earlier this month and after fourteen years of planning, Biscayne National Park published their final general management plan. The working alternative has been named “Alternative 8” and is a combination of previous alternatives 4 and 6, pulling together spatial management concepts from both. In general, the plan has little impact […]

The FWC Wants To Hear From You! The FWC Division of Marine Fisheries Management is conducting a short survey to help determine priority areas for marine fisheries management projects. Marine fish and invertebrates are your resources. This is your opportunity to assist in the management of them. The survey will be available online through June […]

Stay tuned for Part 2 later this week!

BTT Conservation Captain Mike Hennessy with a nice Hawaiian O’io. It is no longer a secret that the state of Hawaii supports a pretty good bonefish fishery. Catching a fish over 10 pounds is not uncommon to our friends in the Pacific. Just like the Keys, the Bahamas, and Belize, the bonefish in Hawaii face […]

Charlie Potter Recently, BTT’s Dr. Aaron Adams was a featured guest on The Great Outdoors with Charlie Potter radio show to discuss BTT’s mission, as well as our upcoming Chicago Fundraiser event. Click here to listen to the full show.

On April 24, 2015 the American Museum of Fly Fishing (AMFF) honored the famed American television journalist and Buccaneers and Bones star Tom Brokaw with their 2015 Heritage Award. Check out this fantastic video that the AMFF put together as a tribute to Tom.

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