Anna Bahney writes about her latest experience in the Everglades. Sure there are risks to walking through a swamp — of running into gators or panthers or, more likely, of tripping over cypress knees and touching poison ivy. But facing all these fears, as you troll at a step-by-careful-step walking pace through a swamp canal, […]
Steve Trippe, Director of The Florida Keys Keeper Inc. talks with Jenna Stauffer about the proposed Key West Dredging Project and the upcoming meeting on August 22nd from 7-9pm at Tropic Cinema at 416 Eaton Street in Key West. Seating is limited, but admission is free.
Students planted mangroves in Bonefish National Park BONEFISH Pond National Park was added to the national park system in 2002. This coastal marine park protects mangrove creeks and is an ideal spot for students studying mangrove ecosystems. The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) has provided infrastructure with support from the government, in the form of a […]
Mike Clary writes about mosquitos in the Everglades and the research being done by Yale University students. Each day researchers set out traps in various park habitats to collect samples. Left overnight, one trap can pick up as many as 30,000 mosquitoes. “This is frontier research,” said Durland Fish, a Yale professor of epidemiology who […]
Jonathan Fisher from the Urban Angler talks about his passion of fishing for bonefish in this short video from The Financialist.
Where you fish, BTT is at work. A great example comes from Mexico, where we are working with BTT members Nassim Joaquin and Rafael Chacon (also a biologist) on a tagging program in the Yucatan Peninsula. Nassim and Rafael have been traveling the region to work with fishing guides an anglers to tag bonefish, permit, […]
The IGFA has partnered with Columbia University and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to develop an iPhone app that allows anglers to contribute to fisheries data collection efforts while improving their own fishing success. The app includes three features that will help the angler identify the fish, improve the angler’s fishing, and contribute to healthier fisheries. Check […]
After above-normal rainfall in June and July, water levels in the Everglades are the highest on record for this time of year, with the historical peak of hurricane season still ahead. That’s got Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation commissioner Ron Bergeron of Weston extremely worried.
The fourth Lowcountry Tarpon Tournament will take place in Georgetown, SC on September 13 & 14. For key information below concerning dates, registration details, etc. For further information, please visit our website at: 2013 also marks a special year for all lowcountry tarpon anglers since just a few months ago South Carolina passed a law requiring catch […]
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
2937 SW 27th Avenue Suite 203
Miami, FL 33133