Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

If you fish for permit in the State of Florida please take a few moments to complete this University of Florida survey seeking anglers and guides willing to discuss seasonal capture rates and (if applicable) any involvement in dart tagging of permit. The survey will will take approximately fifteen minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. Take the […]

Congratulations to George Spofford of Tampa, Florida for winning a trip for 2 anglers to Ascension Bay Bonefish Club as part of Bonefish & Tarpon Trust’s 2012 Membership Drive. All new members that joined BTT in 2012 at the $50 level were automatically entered to win a trip for 2 anglers to Ascension Bay Mexico. Thank you to all […]

Follow the buccaneers this week on the Outdoor Channel, “Lines in the Sand”. Air times are Tuesday at 11:30 am, Friday 6:30am, Saturday 4:30 am, Sunday 3 pm (all times are EST)

Tarpon are a major game species in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern United States that helps support a $6 billion sport fishing industry. Although tarpon tournaments in the Keys have rules requiring minimal handling of fish, some contests in Mexico and elsewhere still allow anglers to hang dead fish up on scales. In […]

Angler and guide enjoying a great moment! The Palometa Club has teamed with BTT in conducting permit research on the Yucatan. Join David Leake from Tailwaters Travel and Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Director of Operations Aaron Adams for an enlightening week of fishing and science on Ascension Bay. Guests will enjoy great fishing, educational evening seminars on […]

Follow the buccaneers this week on the Outdoor Channel, “Life on an Island”. Air times are Tuesday at 11:30 am, Friday 6:30am, Saturday 4:30 am, Sunday 3 pm (all times are EST)

John Mallory, a Merritt Island angler participating in the FGA/FWC Spirit of Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge caught and DNA sampled 975 juvenile tarpon in 2012. The FGA/FWC Spirit of Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge is a joint promotion of the Florida Guides Association and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The Tarpon DNA Sampling Challenge recognizes the spirit […]

At a recent Copley Fine Arts Auction, the painting, “Bone Try”, by Brett James Smith sold for more than $8,000 dollars and through a collaborative agreement between Smith and Copley Auctions founder Stephen B. O’Brien, Jr., half of the proceeds raised from the sale have been donated to Bonefish & Tarpon Trust. We would like […]

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust would like to thank Lighthouse Conferencing for their recent donation. Which reinforces their commitment as a 1% For the Planet organization and their commitment to gamefish of the saltwater flats. Marc Gutman of Lighthouse Conferencing – “One of our favorite winter pastimes is to travel to the warmer corners of the globe […]

Legendary South Florida angler and guide Flip Pallot will be the featured guest at the Naples Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Banquet, held at Foxfire Country Club on March 16, 2013. The evening will feature cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auction items, fishing trips, gear, raffle prizes and more. Tickets are $50 per person […]

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