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Bonefish & Tarpon Trust News

The season remains closed in all Gulf of Mexico waters, including Everglades National Park and Monroe County, through Aug. 31, 2013, according to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission, though catch and release is permitted. Anglers may report their catch on the Snook Gamefish Foundation’s website at Snookfoundation.org by clicking on “Angler Action.” This information […]

Oliver White stands barefoot on a platform on the back of his skiff, using an 18-foot graphite pole to nudge the shallow-draft boat along. He scans the water for bonefish, the prized fly rod quarry of the Bahamian flats, shadowy in natural silver and black camouflage. “There’s one, man. Two o’clock,” he tells me. I […]

Mangroves provide essential habitat for shrimp, crab, fish, wading birds and help protect the shoreline from erosion due to waves and tropical storms. In addition, mangroves improve water quality by trapping sediments, nutrients and pollutants thereby removing them from the water column. The Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation has been collecting and planting red mangroves as part […]

If you are new to bonefishing, or flats fishing in general, I have some advice for you that could dramatically increase your conversion rate. The guide says “cast, 50 feet, 10:00.” You cast. Then… you wait for the guide to give further instructions. Don’t wait. There are two things you need to do right away […]

The Bonefish and Tarpon Trust has teamed up with the Amigos of the Sian Ka’an along with a generous grant from Costa del Mar sunglasses and launched a full-scale permit research program on Ascension and Espiritu Santo Bays. After a handful of training missions down to many of the lodges in the area, BTT director […]

Everything a bonefish does in life involves feeding and camouflaging itself from predators that share its habitat. Success in catching bonefish is based on adapting to and blending into the surroundings to avoid detection. Paying attention to the smallest of details can be the difference between catching and not catching the gray ghost. Check out these tips […]

The angler who catches the largest bonefish (by length, catch-and-release only) anytime from October 1 to December 15, 2012 while fishing with H2O will win a free five-night / four-day fishing package for 2 with H2O Bonefishing for use between June 21-30, 2013 (retail value $6,000). The winning angler will also receive a Conservation membership with […]

Thanks to anglers and guides that have participated in Costa’s Project Permit we are about to surpass 1,000 tagged permit in Florida. Project Permit is an important program because very little is known about permit and certainly not enough to guide conservation efforts. This program will help us identify the movement patterns of permit so […]

LEGENDARY fisherman and cultural icon Bonefish Folley has died at the age of 91. Born Israel Rolle, Bonefish Folley was a local celebrity in West End, Grand Bahama, where for more than 60 years he delighted in taking his clients on bonefish tours. Considered the master in his field, he appeared on numerous television shows […]

Over more than 12 weeks in 2010, BP’s well spewed nearly 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The company used more than 1.8 million gallons of dispersants – more than 770,000 gallons of it at the oil’s source on the ocean floor – to break up the oil into tiny droplets. […]

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