Whatever your stage in life, planned giving can benefit you and your loved ones while helping to ensure the health of the flats fishery for generations to come. Depending on your circumstances, some planned gifts can have an impact now, while others come later, but all have a significant impact on our beloved flats fish and habitats. There are also many tax benefits when considering this type of transformative gift. Explore your options here or contact us for more information.
Browse planned giving options to find the right gift for you. Benefits may include tax savings or income for life.
Help ensure the future of the flats fisheries by including BTT in your will or estate plan. It’s often as simple as designating BTT as a recipient organization. We can provide the language and answer other questions about this option.
Give appreciated securities and you may be able to take a tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes while helping to conserve the flats fishery.
When you name BTT as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you’re also helping to ensure flats habitats and species. And you may be able to save on estate taxes.
Naming BTT as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401k or other qualified plan may eliminate both income and estate taxes.
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can use your required minimum distributions to make gifts from your IRA.
Donate art, rare coins, gear, jewelry and other valuable personal property to support flats conservation and possibly save on taxes.
Donate residential, commercial or undeveloped real estate. BTT will sell the donated assets and use the proceeds to conserve the fishery you love.
In addition to the planned giving options below, you may wish to consult with your estate planner about charitable gift annuities, testamentary gifts and other planned giving devises.
If you would like more information, please contact
Mark Rehbein
Director of Development
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
2937 SW 27th Avenue Suite 203
Miami, FL 33133